Life is never what it "should be". It is the result of a "programmed" predestination.
Who dared, your life just so as to " program "?
The above words sound as if we are dealing with a "puppet" existence. But the fact is that it is a truth is that all of us have experienced in some form. Even in the Hebrew doctrine we find this word verbatim, "Give me the child until it is seven and I'll give the man".
Within these first crucial years, the brain of a child as a kind of "empty disk", all data and information with which it comes into contact stores. So, for example, each child learns his native language, without the need to inculcate his grammar constantly.
The DVD of Professor Bruce Lipton "How can we be what we are," this process is shown in detail. The DVD is also available on the Harmony Shop.
It is this ability to take everything to store, link and categorize - the works on the basis of a life as an adult. Also assumes the child's emotional habits, expectations, assumptions, or cultural backgrounds, etc. of the parents or other guardians and stores it as part of his developing life structure.
This includes not only what is necessary for functioning in society, but also negative terms, ie, that it shall be assumed or expected was "not possible" or "not allowed" is.
Many of these terms make little sense to change from decade to decade and are still always touted as the "supreme truth" or "the natural order." A classic example would be tightening functionless clothing that is "required" for swimming. However, in the same clothes to appear in court, probably would prefer to be fined for "disrespect to the court." Another example: "The hair" When I was in grade school, the hair of a man could no longer be a military "short cut" to be. Longer hair stamped men as mentally ill, or even a homosexual from. In the decade before that was a woman who wore trousers instead of skirts condemned as a whore.
Should pulses or events to which we must respond constantly repeated again and again, so use the brain this an ingenious approach: Instead of creating each time a new path with the same repeated message, it is a permanent coupling of the information displayed in the form of a chain of nerve cells and allows automation of actions hereby. You do this by performing often acts without thinking about it. Easily understood by the example of a child learning to walk. This is about processes that have been learned as a child with great difficulty, and then become manifest in the form of a synaptic chain by lightning transfer of information. (Lift your tea cup to spill without, that is exactly such a program.) The words you read here are hard-coded! If I, for example, "potato" write as you can see immediately inside the image of a potato. But if I "pomme de terre" write may come no picture (unless you speak French, then you have the same picture of a potato in mind). If you know but not the French name for potatoes, then think you have to. Your so-called "autopilot" recognizes no relation between the concept of "pomme de terre" and the image of a "potato".
rough terms, we call this whole system "our habits"!
As you have seen above, many habits very useful and free our attention so that you can do other things.
problems appear but when things are programmed, which are not so useful.
Just think of flat-rate or declared to be universal pseudo-truths that people can permanently heaviest burden in the subconscious and often lead to diseases. "Boys are more important than girls," "You always have to use other," "You'll never be loved," "You're not good enough," "You learn it never "," You do not deserve, "" You women are subservient to men, "" You have to work hard for you life must, "etc., etc., etc. In the brain of each of us hundreds of thousands of such programs are constantly active and thus ensure our conditioning. The "favorite" Money is one of them! They may come from a vulnerable family and say to themselves, "So you're born and can it not time to change," "Being poor is pleasing to God and virtue!" Man is controlled by a large mass of conditioned thinking, which dominated his life.
But there is hope:
The habits of every human being can be transformed in a natural way!
only I knew how!
A very effective response to the "how" is the special property of the Harmony evolution, "we discovered almost by" accident "in the summer of 2005. If you simultaneously place
your left and your right ear with a "Harmony evolution" provided, and another on your head, that there is where the "fontanel" to find, then a set of extremely useful process in motion.
As you can see the comments in the technology pages , the sole function of the "Harmony evolution" in it, the existing data and energies of the person with which the product is contacted to bring in an ordered state. In this way, the specific conditions of a system the body uses to which the Harmony evolution is directed by its placement, will be enhanced optimally. Within these conditions, each system of your body in völlignatürlicher way to go out of itself automatically to its optimal functional purpose. Among them also include all "programs" respectively. Habits, our lives at least 95% control! Each
habit of our body's system has one of two properties. It is either in line with the system structure of human existence and can therefore work in a field of information and energy level, or more precisely but it hurts the people directly and necessarily required "chaotic energy and information in order to continue to exist at all. Whether your personal life program is in line with your current Daseinssytem or not is easy to determine. It is revealed by the natural resonance, ie it is not necessary to do something direct in this regard because it was already clearly visible.
A program (custom) that is useful for your life, has a natural resonance with you. A habit of your life "hell" does has no resonance with you and can only exist as long as it is supplied with chaotic energy. If you apply the three "Harmony evolution" as described above in the head region, the energy supply is ordered your brain, without that energy is added from outside. In this way, useful habits are in focus, while off the supply to the destructive habits.
condense through the regular use of the Harmony headphones the useful habits in such a way that will stop gradually more and more improvements to various stresses, such as memory, concentration, ability to relax and your Kreativtät.
accompanying this is the most important and deeply redemptive aspect that starve the self-destructive thought patterns need to be resolved ie.
Once a negative habit does not get any of them useful, that is more chaotic energy, breaks the chain apart and synaptic the habit is permanently deleted.
so easy is the application!
(This result is the result of 22 years of research and development on the Harmony technology that we have made for you.)
From experience we know that the simplest way, the three "Harmony evolution" of the decisive points in the header to create the one is to get a simple headphone zuzulegen with large round ears. These are cheap to buy in stores and are not included with the Harmony headphone sets. However, to make an allocation as part of our product range, we have decided that the three "Harmony Evolution" for the scope 'custom adjustment "as" Harmony Headphones "to refer to. Since for the recommended application time (30 to 60 minutes daily) can not hear the sound quality of the headphone itself does not matter. If you already have a suitable bit higher quality headphones at home, of course, speaks not mind using, these headphones for the Harmony program. A description of how the 3 "Harmony evolution" must be placed in the headset, is the delivery.
Outside the headphone practice time can be removed and the Harmony Evolutions be placed elsewhere on the body (eg on your thymus gland.) It also free, the headphones successively pass on to others for their use.
A multiple increase in the efficiency you get when you focus on wearing the headphones targeted at specific aspects of your life. The headphones helps you here to a focused life improvement. Such a training program is included free with the Harmony headphones set.
The attachment of the Harmony evolution "can be attached to your hand, of course, with other implements of your choice. However, should fasteners (such as hair clips for example) the module strip.
The top ten "lessons" of the "Harmony Headphones" program also provide an introduction to the operation of this tool for working Increase the intensity by this week for opening week and you can create a good basis from which you own and future individual to continue working.
Since February 2010 there are five more lessons, for which the completion of the first ten lessons is an inescapable condition, as these are the basic exercise program. This brings the number of lessons increases to 15
Lesson 1:
Delete persuaded school feelings and accusations. Experience relief.
Lesson 2:
Delete feelings of loneliness, loneliness, lack of love, etc. Make it your dealings with family and other people.
Lesson 3:
Learn allow proper "emotional eating", you get attention and care, and these things to digest properly.
Lesson 4:
Delete panic and lack of expectation in your life and make the experience what it feels like to admit gratitude and abundance.
Lesson 5:
Learn to open your center of power and to channel your energy.
Lesson 6:
Edit intense at the root of your feelings of guilt and replace them with clarity.
Lesson 7:
Free yourself from the entanglement of your past and replace them with freedom and inner peace.
Lesson 8:
Delete your helplessness and your lack of thinking and replace them with wealth.
Lesson 9:
Delete your power constraints and your self-sacrificing tendencies. Replace them with security and ease.
Lesson 10:
Make friends with "money".
The following lessons are based on the aforementioned 10 points and need a certain amount of practice, respectively. Perseverance to achieve the desired goals.
Lesson 11: your response with a thousand small annoyances of life, as clear as for mosquitoes, and exclude it from your life.
Lesson 12:
Select your entire immune system to stop and not just the ability to invading viruses and bacteria, but also stabilize your natural immunity against you energy or psychological manipulation to protect. Reach through practice a state that you are able to realize whether it is in practice in a case dealing with truth or falsehood or fraud.
Lesson 13:
Loosen your liability to the past. Disconnect from the resonance with information and energies that the disease that cause us "aging" call. This is your body's natural regeneration is released and it can work again to 100%.
Lesson 14:
The "cure" part 1 This is the most difficult Exercise of all, but literally "fabulous effects" can have.
Lesson 15:
The "cure" part 2 get
you could join with friends and share with them a Harmony headphones. Please tell us the names and e-mail with addresses of all participants, so they can get the right training. You have the advantage that the Harmony evolution in many other areas of your daily life more another 23 hours apply. Just look at the site.
And do not forget you, every Harmony Evolution comes with a 6-month warranty and satisfaction is guaranteed at least 10 years to work.
Sometimes it takes a while before you discover
what you have.
My Christmas gift in 2004 by Joachim (yes the one who invented the Harmony technology) was a headset with three built-in "Harmony Evolutions. I got him a short time, tried and found it very pleasant. A few other people have also tried it and it also perceived as pleasant. No one has come up with the idea, I also do not investigate, and discover how it is applied correctly and what he would do then.In July 2005 I went with my girlfriend on vacation. Completely in passing and in the last minute I put the headphones into the car. Usually I am at home early to decide at 5:30 to 6 clock on first session of my Online. This habit has occurred many times on holiday and there was no computer in our tent I had to think up a different activity. As an experiment, I put on the headphones and the intention of meditations from the book "The Attractor Factor "by Joe tried Vitale. The usual stomach cramps from my internal resistance" what I want to have to not allow "are now occurred and I began the process of solving them. But! Instead of the usual half an hour of intense inner work to a percentage of the resistance resolve within 3 to 4 minutes almost all the resistance is gone! Obviously something very interesting was in progress.
I have repeated this almost every day and although the old habits returned, they were weaker every day and I went on at home.
In order to receive the guaranteed
Harmony Headphones and 15 weeks free training, Click here now.
Each person has his own history and problems and I will therefore only one aspect of my talk here to show the principle.from experiences I had with my mother "learned" or coined himself: I am "guilty" but that I exist at all, I am responsible for all their problems and it is a crime, anything for myself have to. I know many people who suffer from variations on this theme. This is very common and is very useful for demonstration purposes. This "indoctrination" formed the basic expectations about life. They cause also to confirm that practices such basic expectations seem. Such indoctrination overwhelm can easily be a life work!
Some people will already know by experience that the exercises to delete this destruction programs go in stages: first, it seems that nothing happened but after a few days perseverance builds enough momentum to be slightly resolved in the problem. To re-establish enough momentum for the next phase, in order to allow further reductions can. Every time fighting back the old ways. It's a bumpy road and a lot of patience, perseverance and courage are required. Therefore fail so many.
What you do with the Harmony headphones, the internal resistance is not simply allowed to prevent the processes of change. Resistors are normally set automatically as soon as attempts to create life anew. Instead, they are gradually removed.
Everyone has his habits, ie, individual expectations for his life. In other words, their basic operating system programs (is not it fascinating how similar computer programs ordinary human ways of thinking?). to format the hard drive and everything is re-program a lot of work, especially in the case where you delete the old operating system can not before the new is up, otherwise the body would die. The old programming is fighting to preserve their priority and continuously causing trouble to install the new programming.
Just at the point of impact Harmony headphones! The old programming you have been taught in the course of your childhood has a lot to do with the ears. Not only will was imposed after her mother (left ear) and your dad (right ear), but much of the "programming" is through what has been said about you caused. In addition, orders the Fontanelle all thought structures. If it is as much conflict between what you want to do and what you believe you allowed or possible, is also the fontanel problems.
Once you begin the process, create your self and your life anew, the old destructive habits will try to prevent this. This is a natural reaction because the old patterns are characteristic exists and you more or less under control. It is important that you "stay tuned"!
with the order of the energy currents of thought structures through the application of the Harmony headphones is to have access to the chaotic energies that need to be active destructive habits, prevented. (The energy flows can be visualized using EEG!)
through the regular use of the "Harmony" headphones, the improvements you want to actually be brought about. Your net profit from the continuous application of the "Harmony" headphones is that you place a slowly progressive, bumpy and tiring way to achieve your positive ambitious goal much faster and more effective.
you will notice significant improvements in a few weeks of your being and your perception.
; ;
Orthordoxe Meditationsposition Harmonisierte Meditationsposition
important thing is that your spine is straight. In order to obtain
guaranteed Harmony Headphones and 15 weeks free training, click here NOW.
************************************************ ***********************The headphones are very simple to manufacture. Photos and instructions are at the bottom of this page.
A simple Beispilesübung Harmony with your headphones.
First, find the answer to the question: "What I want now all the more gladly of my life have? "Close your eyes and try to feel as if you can get right now. Buy it, usually in the abdomen or head, you will experience a cramp. This is nothing more than your habits, trying Ihen to say that it should not have. Now pull on the headphones and repeat the exercise. Feel like the spasm begins to disappear immediately, please continue practicing with the feeling of joy and gratitude that you have now what you want. The Harmony evolution will remove the resistors to automatically and you will in short time begin to fulfill your wishes.
Recommended practice time is 30 to 60 minutes daily.
I theorize that the Harmony headphones are extremely useful in many diseases that have their roots in the qualified prohibition of "what you really want." Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, panic attacks, chronic anxiety and borderline syndrome I come immediately to mind. Tell me, what kind of support you want and we will see how we can organize this.
Forget the Harmony United not guarantees.
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