rough nights ... Die Rauhnächte (auch Raunacht oder Rauchnacht) oder die zwölf Nächte (auch Zwölfte oder Glöckelnächte) sind einige Nächte um den Jahreswechsel, denen im europäischen Brauchtum oft special importance is attached. Usually it is the twelve nights between Christmas Eve (December 24) and the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6), but other periods such as between the St. Thomas Day and New Year come into question.
There are differences in the number of rough nights, all between three and twelve nights, depending on the region:
considered the most important raw nights are referred to:
* 21-22. December (Thomas Night / Winter Solstice) (longest night of the year) *
24-25. December (Christmas Eve)
* 31 December / 1 January (New Year's Eve)
* 5 / 6 January (Epiphaniasnacht, Release of the Lord)
In some areas not count the Thomas Night.
word origin
A derivation of the word rough night from the traditional smoking out of the stables by the pastor or the peasants - often with the help of incense - is possible. John Boemus (1520) and Sebastian Franck (1534) report on the smoking out: "The consecration zwolff nights between eight and three Heyligen Künig Date is not a brothel, the nit all day weiroch do smoke in yr Hostel / for all teüfel VND witchcraft is spooky." (Sebastian Franck, Weltbuech: VND bildtniß mirror of the earth ... Gantzer Tübingen 1534, quoted in Hans Dünninger, Horst Schopf. Customs and festivals in the Franconian seasons. Kulmbach, 1971, p. 24).
calendrical basis
The origins of the custom probably in the era after a lunar year. A year of twelve lunar months, but includes only 354 days. Like all simple, non-intercalating lunisolar (that all lunar calendar, push the no leap months in order to stay with the solar year in a match), the missing on the 365 days of the solar years, eleven days - or twelve nights - as dead days (ie days outside the time inserted). From those days is adopted widely in the world mythologies, that the normal laws of nature are suspended, and fall with the natural limits to some other worlds. In many cultures that use such a calendar system, in this time of myth and magic rituals are common, and those going back to Germanic or vorgermanische roots traditions have been preserved in tradition to the present - which the customs is how old, can not in general say exactly.
mythology and folklore
The rough nights are a time to be fit for the invocation or exorcism, the contact with animals or divination practices.
Halfway through the twelve nights, namely New Year's Eve, Wotan should be with the dead to the wild Hunting break. This time is open to the old folk belief, the spirit realm, and the souls of the dead and the spirits have output. Demons can hold parades or go with the wild chase through the country. Until very recently in many parts of Europe the belief was widespread that the spellcaster people who made a pact had been signed with the devil, turned this time into werewolves, and in this form humans and livestock at risk (such as the Baltic States, West Germany, especially in the Eifel and Ardennes, the adjacent, or in Bulgaria and Greece). This idea is reflected in the Perchten the Alps. Even the custom of New Year's noise is to produce the Monsters away. In northern Germany, is still spreading the Rummelpott running. The customs of the Winterauskehr at the end of Carnival are in this context: The spirits who have yet taken root, can then be sold once and for all.
old folk beliefs are the result of rough nights for further performing oracles very suitable. In the New Year's Eve tradition is the belief - maintained in the form of fortune telling to this day - although primarily of sociability. The Onion calendar is the weather forecast.
animals in the barn at midnight to speak human language and talk about the future. Those who speak the animals, however, hear die immediately thereafter.
These four nights were rough in some places as so dangerous that they were committed with fasting and prayer. In the house could no disorder prevail, do not hang white wash on the line (which would steal the tab to them during the year to use as a shroud for the owner). There could be no clothes lines stretched, as in this the "Wild Hunt" could get caught. In another version, this is especially forbidden (younger) women. By hanging white (sub) would wash the "Wild Hunt lured and then" pounce "on these women. Women and children should not be alone on the streets after dark. On the other hand, were the rough nights for unmarried women as an opportunity to at midnight to see at a crossroads or other magical place her future groom. His figure appeared and then passed in silence, and the girl she could neither speak nor her look, because this would have meant death (Brittany, Wales, Scotland).
children who were born on a Saturday during the two weeks had, in the opinion of most European nations magical powers. Who was born the day, could see ghosts and fight recurrent deaths and, but had to also carry the deceased to the cemetery and show them their future grave. In Western Europe stood under a Christian influence a change after the peak holiday had been the week from the Jewish Sabbath postponed to Sunday. Therefore, they spoke of Sunday children who were geistersichtig could look into the future and happiness brought. In orthodox room, you hear today from Saturday child (Serbian: Subotnik or Greek sabbatianos). You are in the legends of South Eastern Europe, the vampire hunter, while the existence as a returning Undead condemned person most in one night between 21 December and the 6th were born in January (according to the Orthodox calendar). Especially feared was the birth of a child on Christmas Eve, because this is considered a mockery of the birth of Christ.
Christian overlay of traditions
first Charles the Great made in central Europe by 800 Church for the Christmas feast, who celebrated the ancient rituals were punished with death.
At least at the four most important rough nights (December 21, December 24, December 31 and January 5) are folk customs house and barn from the house father with juniper, later blessed with holy water and incense, candles lit and prayers said. This is to Christian tradition, and the use of candles or incense smoke was as an explanation for the description Rau (c) hnächte used what was offered in view of the phonetic similarity.